Friday, 27 April 2012

Good News! Even Truck Drivers Can Reverse Diabetes - Part II

In part I, I gave a little history of myself in preparing the reader for the information that is to come in this part and a following part III. My history is important because so many Dr.'s and nutritionist cause us to believe that unless you quit smoking, drinking coffee, and start exercising, as well as doing a healthy diet that diabetes is not reversible. I am sure the good folks that do care about us don't intend to overwhelm us with all the recommended changes, but I can tell you in my experience if I had to do all of those things I would have been doomed to failure since I hate exercise, love coffee and have a two pack a day plus cigarette habit, in fact I did quit smoking for a year and a half and it didn't help my diabetes so I am not sure that is a wise recommendation when it did increase my stress level.

It is important to understand that in a truck drivers life most days consist of moving from the drivers seat, to the bunk, ( a distance of about 18 to 30 inches ) and back, with an occasional walk to the restroom or fuel stop cashiers desk, far less exercise than the average, other than truck driver employment. It is possible to find time for exercise if you want to but I don't.

I have used the term "reverse diabetes" in this series of articles rather than curing diabetes for some very important reasons. Reason one is, I believe that once diabetes is diagnosed in a person they will have it until the day they die, to reverse it means to me that I no longer am at risk for death from the disease because the condition that defines it is currently not present. What defines type 2 diabetes is an excess amount of blood sugar and it is this condition that leads to all the bad "side effects" of this disease, like heart disease, neuropathy, blindness and kidney failure, just to name a few.

To help understand why type 2 diabetes can be reversed and type 1 cannot we need to understand that outside of the name and the symptom of "too high blood sugars", there really is very little in common between the two types.

Type one diabetes is the bodies inability to produce insulin, a hormone that is important in providing energy to your bodies cells. In this type of diabetes the beta cells that produce insulin in your pancreas have been destroyed, once destroyed your body does not make new ones.

Type two diabetes is better defined as insulin resistance, meaning that your body may be producing sufficient insulin but the "work" the insulin is supposed to do is suppressed and there by prevented from using the sugar for energy (the reason exercise does help), this condition makes it's self worse because the insulin is also key in creating and storing fat. In my understanding, since new beta cells in the pancreas cannot be created, the insulin amount does not increase to compensate for increased body mass (more cells to service). So, in my understanding, obesity is the primary cause of type 2 diabetes. Solution - Drop the weight.

The American diet filled with empty calories, and excessive quantities of food to my mind and experience is the primary cause of this disease, part three will tell you what I did to reverse this deadly condition. Best news is it is simple.

Leslie R Auger has driven Big Rigs of all kinds for the past 15 years.

View the original article here

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