Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Beginners Yoga

Yoga is designed to ease tension in muscles, while at the same time honing the strength in those muscles. Yoga also helps to improve the flexibility of the body's joints and ligaments. Each pose is performed slowly and with fluidity. There are hundreds of different postures in yoga, but yoga for beginners keeps things much more simplified. Anyone can practice yoga because the postures range from the basic to the complex. No matter what your age, fitness or skill level, yoga can provide an invigorating workout.

Yoga has many benefits from the preventative to the theraputic affecting both the physical and the mental states of the body. Practicing yoga one will see improved flexibility, increased strength and muscle tone, improved posture and easing of bodily pains such as back aches, knee pain and others. It has also been proven to improve heart conditions, boost immune response, decrease cholesterol and encourage weight loss.

Some of the basic yoga poses include the corpse pose (savasana), easy pose (sukhasana), sun salutation (surya namaskar), bridge pose (setu bandhasana), seated forward bend (paschimothanasana), cobra pose (bhujangasana), triangle pose (trikonasana), and crane pose (bakasana). Each pose or posture can be known by it's English or Hindi name. The seven primary types of movements that your body can make through Yoga exercise are flexion, extension, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, rotation, and circumduction.

A beginners yoga session usually follows this order:

Warm-up Exercises - conditions your body for safe transition into asana practice. For beginners, you may just use the warm-up poses as your entire practice. Warm-up exercises open the shoulder muscles, the spine, the hips, the lower back, and the groin.

Standing Poses - for alignment of the feet and the body. Opens the hips, stretches the legs, add strength to your back and increases your range of movement. Standing poses facilitates digestion, blood circulation and is good for those who want to lose weight.

Sitting Poses - sitting poses allows you to infuse with the breath and prana, and to revitalize from a pose by giving you a calm and quiet feeling. These poses greatly contribute in shaping your buttocks and legs, and in adding vitality and suppleness to the spine.

Twists - twist exercises releases the tension in your spines, relieves backaches and makes your shoulders more flexible. It also facilitates in the circulation of blood and nutrients in the body making it necessary for the health of the inter-vertebral discs.

Supine and Prone Poses - these poses releases tension in your abdomen and increase the mobility of your spine. It restores strength in your back, arms and legs, and releases your hips and groins.

Inverted and Balance Poses - inverted and balance poses defies gravity and develops coordination, increase stamina and strength, and improves grace, agility and poise. It also improves you concentration and focus since being quiet is necessary to be able to do these poses.

Backbends - backbends are the poses that benefit the adrenal glands and the kidney. It also releases tension in the front body and in your shoulders and pelvic girdle, and improves the flexibility of your spine.

Finishing Poses - these are the cooling-down exercises for Yoga.

Many people think that they need to be flexible or strong in order to begin practicing yoga. But beginners to yoga will be happy to find out that it can easily be scaled to your skill level and body type. Yoga will help you improve your flexibility and strength, so there is no need to have it from the beginning. What is yoga? It is an individual experience that I encourage you to try. Your body and your mind will thank you.

Lance Calhoun is a writer who specializes in Health & Fitness, including yoga, crossfit, running, triathlon, cycling and other athletic activities. You can check out his latest website at Beginners Yoga where he explains the basics of yoga including What is yoga

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