Monday 30 April 2012

Seamlessly Save Money and Lose Weight Fast While Getting Healthy Doing It

While the price of a gallon of gas has risen to an astronomical level, living expenses have followed suite through the domino effect. Although the price of fuel has risen, incomes have either diminished through cutbacks or remained the same. People like me who's income has done a disappearing act have had to become resourceful. Standing in a soup line is not exactly what I mean by becoming resourceful, yet that is the thought that automatically pops into ones head. The key to success in minimizing your monthly bills and streamlining your time is by distinguishing luxuries from necessities. so when you want to save money and lose weight, implement these suggestions and change your life.

Workout using interval training at home. Interval training is actually more than a trend. It is a very time and cost-effective way of cutting body fat fast. It is well documented that shorter bouts of intense exercise are more effective than long bouts of less intense exercise at reducing body fat, increasing aerobic and anaerobic endurance while serving time in the gym. Low intensity exercises like walking only metabolizes a small amount of body fat during the activity. Alternatively, during high intensity interval training carbohydrates act as the body's main source of fuel. High intensity interval training is a form of anaerobic exercise, meaning there is an oxygen debt created in the body. After this type of training your metabolism can remain elevated in excess of 24 hours. In high intensity interval training exercises are fast paced and rigorous. By combining strength training and cardiovascular exercises together workouts use a short time frame to be completed. Expensive gym equipment can be replaced with body weight exercises, or with cheap, low tech devices such as exercise bands, medicine balls, etc. There are many resources that put together routines on the internet. These websites are completely free and have communities that provide advice and encouragement. You will become healthier just incorporating this new way of working out effectively. So say goodbye to that costly membership and finally sculpt the body that you have always wanted.

Switch from cable to television streaming services. Television streaming is a great alternative to cable since it provides television shows and movies accessible through video game consoles. So you will have access to most of your favorite shows and movies with minimal commercial interruptions. These services cost only fractions of what cable costs each month. Services such as these offer unlimited television programming for less than 10 dollars a month. Not only will you save money but you will save time, without lengthy commercials programs are more condensed as a result.

Get creative with meals and replace meat with beans and legumes. Don't get me wrong I am a fellow carnivore and enjoy hamburgers and not to mention a great steak. Yet, I have implemented reducing the amount of meat I consume by replacing the it with beans. It is actually easier than it sounds just swapping the meat for beans will create a great meal. You do not have to eliminate meat altogether and the beans will actually increase your serving size and you won't have to use as much meat to feed your family. Beans are a cheap source of protein and they contain a lot of nutrients and fiber they're a low glycemic index carbohydrate which means they metabolize very slowly and have little effect on insulin release. Plus they have absolutely no fat in them. Mexican meals are a great start because they have a lot of components including vegetables and cheese which can easily mask the need for meet. There are also many recipe resources online that are useful in creating a bean-based meal. In the end you will find that your grocery bill has decreased by a significant amount and you have become healthier for being frugal.

Invest in a bicycle. The spandex body suites alone should make you want to ride a bicycle, but a number of other positive points exists as well. There are many instances where you have been late and the traffic is unforgiving along with the cops the their trusty citations. Then when you finally arrive at your destination there are no parking spots left. So you get creative and park in a spot reserved for royalty, since sometimes you consider yourself the king of your castle which makes this spot okay to park in. So when you come back you your car you find your car riddled with citations, not fan mail like you imagined. By riding your bicycle none of these annoyances would have occurred and you would save fortune between gas and the number of infractions. With a bicycle you can exercise while getting to your destination, in a faster time. Bicycle racks are mostly located right outside of buildings, so you don't have to worry about finding parking far away and having to walk a mile to your building and will save time as well. If you insist on driving then make sure to fit more things into one trip. By eliminating excess driving you will find that you save a lot of money on gas and time just by being frugal. There is an app for that! Virtually everything you need has an app for data phones including one for gas prices and traffic updates.

Incorporate these simple ideas into your lifestyle and not only will you save time but you'll get healthier while losing weight fast.

View the original article here

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