There are standing, sitting, and lying twists in yoga. There's a twist to yoga twists - while the body is compressed in some areas, in other areas there is a lovely opening.
Twists practiced lying down can be quite relaxing. At the beginning of the class you can move from side to side in what is sometimes called Little Boat Twist to warm up the body in a playful way. You'll discover just where those tight muscles are and can watch and perhaps even feel them release tension little by little.
To practice Little Boat Twist begin with Little Boat. Lie on your back draw the back of the waist to the floor and then bring one knee to your chest then the other. Wrap your arms around your knees or back of your thighs, or use a tie to help secure the knees. This is called Apanasana or Little Boat. Can you use less effort in the fingers, arms and shoulders? On the exhale gently draw your knees closer to your chest. On the inhale move the knees away. When you are ready to sway from side to side do so without forcing your body in any way. Then stay in the pose with knees to the left and head turned to the right. Repeat on the other side.
At the end of your session repeat the twist and notice the difference in the muscle tension and the ease of movement. As you stay holding the twist to one side, you can explore increasing the lung capacity of that top lung. Here's one way.
Starting position: Knees to the left, right shoulder on the ground, both arms outstretched in a "T" position with both shoulder blades resting on the floor.
Now roll fully to the left side bringing right shoulder, right arm and right hip off the ground and over so you are in a foetal like position. Exhaling extend the bottom leg and keep the knee straight. Pause a moment then being to play with opening the chest unfurl right shoulder and right arm back to the floor, then close the chest again. When you are ready to stay holding the pose with chest open, both shoulder blades on the floor.
It is sometimes harder to keep the opposite shoulder on the ground. If this is the case, try supporting your knees with a pillow or block. With both shoulders on the floor the chest will open more. If there is any discomfort in the low back, move the knee(s) further away from the hips. Practice on the other side. Usually one side is tighter than the other. Practice on that side one repetition more than the other.
If you have asthma or shallow chest breathing explore how this lying twist changes your breathing experience by opening the rib cage, and taking the breath to the upper abdomen and lower lungs. Truly a twist that opens.
Heather Greaves is an avid yoga student and the owner of Body Therapies Yoga Training. She organizes yoga and meditation retreats and workshops in Ontario and Barbados, and has been helping yoga enthusiasts learn to teach therapeutic yoga in a certified program. For more yoga tips or to sign up for our monthly newsletter visit
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