Friday, 7 September 2012

Neat Yoga Moves That Move The Lymph

Neat yoga moves are graceful and safe when performed with awareness considering your body's subtle messages. Create a smooth flow with Table, Downward Dog and Cow's Face (Gomukhasana) to release deep hip muscles including piriformis and shoulder muscles. Experiment with variations. Use dynamic movements - go in and out of the pose - before holding the pose.


From Table/Cat pose take the hands one hand length further forward, curl toes under then exhaling lift knees up. As you move into Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) look up at your belly to release the neck. Exhaling let the ankles push the heels towards the floor. Stabilize breathing consciously. Exhaling bring the feet together big toes touching, heels remain off the floor. Exhaling, raise the left leg no higher than parallel to the ground then cross the back of the right thigh, knees together and return the left toes on the ground. Assume a wider stance crossed leg stance by moving the right leg over to the left. Settle here into stillness.


From Downward Dog with thighs and knees crossed exhale as you bend your knees bringing them to the floor - Table with legs crossed - right leg in front. Exhaling keep core engaged as you sit back on the mat. If the hips are not level to the ground use a blanket under the lower hip to raise the hips level, or sit on the foot. Settle here breathing smoothly and rhythmically releasing hips and legs on the exhale.


Play with 3 arm positions:

(1) Hold the feet and as you exhale lean forward. as you inhale rock back to upright feeling the sensations. Repeat a few times.

(2) Inhaling raise the arms in swan like movement, exhale lower the arms, cross them and hug yourself. Repeat a few times changing the arm position or simply hold giving yourself a loving hug with the right arm on top.

(3) Holding arms behind the back could involve using a strap if the shoulders are tight. Inhaling raise the right arm by the right ear then bend at the elbow. Inhaling extend the left arm out to the side then bend at the elbow and bring the forearm behind the waist. When you are ready exhale as you reach up to clasp the fingers of the right hand or hold a strap.


Return to Table/Cat with crossed legs then move hands forward a little and lift into Downward Dog with crossed legs. Move with the breath as you separate and straighten the legs, rest in Child's pose and repeat poses on the other side when you are ready.

This flow massages lymph nodes in groin and underarms.

Heather Greaves is a sincere yoga student and the owner of Body Therapies Yoga Training. She organizes yoga and meditation retreats and workshops in Ontario and Barbados, and has been helping yoga enthusiasts learn to teach yoga in a certified program. For more yoga tips or to sign up for our monthly newsletter visit

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