It's a full day at work and you are moving into another meeting. You feel spent and are pretty sure the others at the meeting will be as well. What could be used at the beginning of that meeting to increase creativity, create a space between the multiple demands of the work at your desk and the very focused task or project to be accomplished in the meeting? Something simple but effective, that the team could do together.
Let's design a practice that would increase energy through deep breaths synchronized with movement; release tension in the shoulders, neck and jaw; and generate energy through the hips, buttocks and big thigh muscles. Combine these with attention training for relaxation and focus. Here is short practice of 15 minutes.
Team Yoga Practice
1. Stand erect with feet close together and arms at sides; cross hands in front of the body. Breathing in slowly raise arms overhead keeping hands crossed, look up at the hand; then exhaling spread arms out to the sides at shoulder height and lower head. Encourage those who wish to make a sound on the exhale to do so. Repeat this exercise about 10 times.Then stand erect and still; feel the whole body.
2. Still standing erect and steady, find a spot on the wall in front of you just above the level of the head. Fix the eyes at this spot throughout the exercise. When you are ready interlace the fingers and inhaling raise the arms overhead palms turned upward. Exhaling lower hands on top of the head. Inhaling again raise the arms, feel the shoulders and chest lift upwards. You may raise the heels as well and stretch up. Hold the breath and the position for a few seconds then exhale and lower heels and arms. This is one round. Stand still keeping the eyes focused then repeat for about 10 rounds with the break between each round.
3. Stand with feet about 2 feet apart. Pick a spot directly in front for focus. Breathing in raise arms overhead. You may interlace the fingers, if you like. Exhaling lean towards the left side, pause a few seconds; then inhaling slowly return to standing erect. Repeat on the right side and return. Then exhaling lower arms. Rest for a few breaths. This is one round. Repeat about 10 rounds.
4. Perform mini squats with arms overhead palms together or perhaps holding on to chairs for support, if needed. Start with a small knee bend and increase according to ability. This can also be a partner pose. Clasp wrists with a willing partner.
Short breaks contribute to mind-body wellness. This before meeting practice will increase focus; making sounds will release tension faster and create lightness and fun.
Heather Greaves is an avid yoga student and the owner of Body Therapies Yoga Training. She organizes yoga and meditation retreats and workshops in Ontario and Barbados, and has been helping yoga enthusiasts learn to teach therapeutic yoga in a certified program. For more yoga tips or to sign up for our monthly newsletter visit
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