Friday, 7 September 2012

Second Chakra Yoga Poses

Second chakra deals with creativity, sexuality, reproductive system, kidney, bladder, all those watery places. Yoga poses can be used to increase sensation. Second chakra poses can be performed creatively plus a focus in the pelvic area will center energy to that chakra area.

Let's explore 3 hip opener poses: Butterfly Baddha Konasana, Cow's Head Gomukhasana, and Goddess Deviasana.

Butterfly (Baddha Konasana)

Perform this pose sitting or lying. I enjoy a deeper exploration lying with legs and feet on pillow or bolster and a light blanket over my body. The soles of the feet snug together as if creating a diamond from hips to bent knees to toes. I bring my focus back to the pelvic area and continue visualizing creatively. Breathe consciously. If this pose brings discomfort on an emotional level and you choose to stay with the pose, focus on the physical sensations.

Cow's Head (Gomukhasana)

Feels like the opposite of Butterfly. Legs are crossed at the thighs - together not apart. If done lying, knees can be brought close to the chest or moved away towards the floor. Try the pose with a pillow or bolster placed to support your legs. Find that spot that makes the pose feel natural and focus in the pelvic area as you stay for 5 minutes. You can wiggle to place one arm under your back and the other above to open the chest more. Or place arms in front of the body. Repeat and reverse arms and legs with the other leg at the top.

Goddess (Deviasana

Which goddess will you choose? From Africa - Osun, Hathor? From India - Saraswati, Rakini? From Europe - Demeter, Aphrodite? Will you speak to or for a goddess? Do you feel more or less of a goddess if you move your arms and or legs? How about moving the pelvic area itself? After all the focus is the second chakra. How are you showering blessings? With the body still, can you sense your power?

Deeply explore sensations in the pelvic area from pubic bone back to the sacrum by performing the first two poses in a restorative way on your back. End strong with the standing pose, Goddess. This might be a great way to start your day; while at the end of the day you could start with the Goddess standing pose and end with the lying restorative poses.

Close your eyes if you feel comfortable as you dive into the waters of the second chakra with yoga poses.

If you are a beginner to a joyful yoga, Heather Greaves would be happy to introduce you to your yoga. She is the owner of Body Therapies Yoga Training, organizes retreats and workshops, and has been helping yoga enthusiasts learn to teach yoga in a certified program. For more yoga tips or to sign up for our monthly newsletter visit

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