Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Yoga Therapy - 4 Steps to Turn a Frown Into a Healing Prayer With Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is a lot more than a prescription for yoga exercises. It takes the whole person into consideration at 3 levels: body mind and spirit. So if a frown has shown up once more on your face, here's a healing path you can choose to take. A "frown" is any negative feeling you experience. This self healing path turns a frown into a meaningful prayer from the heart, and calms the heart. Here are 4 ABLE steps that could be used in a yoga therapy session.

Acknowledge and Accept

What exactly are you feeling? Name it. Is it anger or hurt? Are you feeling scared or nervous? Are you worried or anxious? You may be feeling a milder form of emotion. You may have a combination of emotions. Take a moment and acknowledge all feelings and emotions.

Can you find a way to accept the situation, person or feeling? If you find this a difficult step, check to see if you are blaming or if you have guilt.

Yoga Therapy includes yoga psychology and asks us to question and change old belief systems that no longer serve us.

Breathe Consciously

Become aware of your natural breath moving in and out. You can even say to yourself, "Breathing in, I know I'm breathing in" when you breathe in. And then "Breathing out, I know I'm breathing out" when you breathe out. This allows you to be in the present moment, and to be with your body and breath, rather than dwell totally in your head.

Let Go

Let go of tension in the face, shoulders and any where you are holding tension. Relax the mouth, watch the frown dissolve as soften the face. When the mind is tense, it reflects somewhere in the body. Find that place and encourage relaxation. You could visualize being in your favorite nature spot, or see the tension leaving your body like smoke when you exhale.

Visualization is an important aspect of Tantra Yoga and it is included in Yoga Therapy.

End with Heart Connect

Place your hand on your spiritual heart. Thumb and index finger up by the collar bone. In the palm of your hand is a pool of energy. Can you feel it? To increase the energy there, and your level of sensitivity to the energy, rub the palms together a few times then place one hand on your heart. Gently close your eyes and let your attention rest right at that heart connect. Allow a prayer to arise from your heart, and feel this healing prayer in your body.

This is an example of working with the level of the mind in Yoga Therapy.

Take this healing path from a frown to your healing prayer as often as you need to. It is a self healing strategy that connects you with our heart.

And now, I'd like to invite you to free download of Perception Checklist when you visit

Heather Greaves - the Self Care Mentor and Body Therapies Yoga Training

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