Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Yoga For Beginners - Explore Emotional Healing With Yoga Poses

Looking for tips on Yoga for Beginners? Yoga poses can be used to explore feelings. Think of  your time with yoga poses as an experiment; as if you were in a laboratory. Kripalu yoga developed a framework for working with emotions: Breathe, Relax, Feel, Witness, Allow.

Decide that you want to experiment with an emotion. You can choose to go deep and explore, or you may prefer to simply witness the process. There are 3 principles to consider when witnessing. Let's use 1 principle and work with a Standing Pose.

Standing poses are great to work with when dealing with emotions. They bring a quality of strength and confidence as you make effort to sustain the pose. At the same time  you remain calm and relaxed as you pay attention to your breath. The two qualities of effort and surrender or relaxation create a healthy balance in yoga poses and in life. In yoga for beginners this is an important point to grasp through experience.

With stability in the pose as well as sustained effort and relaxation, tensions held a little deeper in the body can surface. This is your opportunity to explore, eventually integrate and release.

Working with Emotions through Sensations

Choose a standing pose from the yoga poses you like.  Enter the pose and find a way to hold the pose comfortably to allow sensations to emerge and expand. Avoid suppressing or sidestepping sensations. Feel your feet on the ground and press all 4 corners of the feet evenly into the earth. Lift the toes for even more support for the feet and legs. With support and stability established in the pose, gently lengthen the spine.


After you have established a firm foundation, totally focus on the physical sensations you feel. Remember to breathe consciously, and create space for the breath with micro movements when necessary. Encourage the breath to fill the whole body and definitely touch the sensations you want to work with. Use the breath to draw your attention inwards.

Notice the size, shape, quality of the sensation. Perhaps you are able to see colors and images.  To witness is to observe without judging or analyzing.  If creating a sound helps with a release of emotions, by all means free yourself.

Healing Emotions

This process releases stuck energy of feelings and emotions. What do you notice when the energy is released?

Do share your experience of healing emotions through any of the yoga poses you choose to explore in your laboratory.

And now, I'd like to invite you to claim your free access to a guided relaxation when you visit Type "guided meditation" to search the blog.

From Heather Greaves - Yoga Therapy Teacher Trainer and Body Therapies Yoga Training

View the original article here

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