Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Yoga Exercise - Self Mastery With 5 Universal Human Laws and Yoga Exercise

For greater self understanding, use a recent event that upset you or a yoga exercise like Tree Pose as a test.

The Law of Non-Harming, Non-Violence

Not harming self, others, give up hostilities.

Outcome: Deep peace within. To have such a depth of inner peace that impacts others.

Tip: Notice when you tend to harm, injure or hurt others in thoughts, speech and actions. Nurture the opposite quality. Keep it simple by identifying one area you will work with: thoughts, words or actions.

In life or your practice, notice how you speak to yourself when you lose balance.

The Law of Truthfulness, Honesty

Honesty in thoughts, speech, and actions

Outcome: Will is naturally granted.

Tip: Notice if when you tend to avoid speaking the truth.

If speaking the truth causes someone harm, is it really speaking the truth?

Notice what is happening on the inside as well, the way you are thinking and feeling, and if there is any discrepancy between this inside world and the outside world. Try a yoga exercise like standing on one leg, Tree Pose. for this.

The Law of Non-Stealing

To avoid taking from others, in both physical and subtle ways

Outcome: Things flow to you naturally.

Tip: Notice if what you take, takes some things away from others.

As you self study, check to see if your words contribute in any way to others having less time to share. And if you tend to keep quiet, could this be considered stealing by withholding information.

The Law of Chastity

To avoid dissipation of the life energy, to conserve life energy

Outcome:  Vitality

Tip: If you tend to forget the higher reality, practice the remembrance of the Divine and notice the effect on your energy.

Decide that for 30 seconds, you will avoid chasing after thoughts that surface and focus on remembering a higher ideal. For self study, notice your reaction to this idea.

The Law of Non-Possessiveness

No grasping material possessions or name and fame.

Outcome: Greater awareness of your past and future.

Tip: We identify with our job, house, car, wealth, beauty, education, country of origin, etc. What is your "I am....." statement?

Play with an image to encourage letting go. Perhaps create one of a clenched fist opening slowly. You may find that the action of opening and closing your hands symbolic. Gently wrap each hand around its thumb as you inhale, then pause the breath for as long as is comfortable. What is it, or who is it you are holding on to. As you exhale, release the breath and slowly stretch the hands wide. Is it time to let go? Repeat this yoga exercise 10 times.

And now, I'd like to invite you to claim your free download of guided relaxation and perception checklist for self mastery when you visit and please sign up for our newsletter for more tips for your healing journey.

From Heather Greaves - the Self Care Expert and Body Therapies Yoga Training

View the original article here

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